Feeling anxious about my 18th month LO first day of playgroup next month.

Any tips to prepare myself and my child? I am worried about how she will cope with a sudden change of environment and having a full day of programme to follow.

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my toddler went to Pg but we started him off half day first. 9-12pm. then gradually 9-3pm , after about 3 weeks then we sent him 9-5pm. he had a terrible meltdown as it was a sudden change going to school and all but after a while he got used to it. now he's in N1 and still cries occasionally esp during routine checks but settled down once in class🤣 my tip is not to linger around after dropping off , just tell toddler you'll see them at the timing you're fetching them and if you're gonna be late , just let them know so they won't wonder why mummy/daddy is late. hope this helps!

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