I feel like i let them down

Just thought i share my struggles here. I just had a breakdown because im too exhausted. Ive been holding on for awhile and trying to stay strong because of the kids. My husband has been supportive and i just thought that i can be strong as him but the truth is, im weak. I feel like a bad parent because i can't even stay strong. I feel like such a failure here.

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Thank you for sharing with us. These thoughts are normal. We are only human and sometimes it is ok to be weak and reliant on someone. You can pick yourself back up but first I hope you are able to find some time to meet your needs, squeeze in some personal time for yourself to generate yourself. Filling yourself up first before you take care of others or else you will be burnt out and overwhelmed. Your children knows you are the best for them. Tell your husband how you feel and how he can better support you. I’m sure he wants a happy wife and mother as well. All the best to you mummy ❤️

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What make you feel tired, struggle? Have you raise your concern and thoughts and feelings to your husband or your parents? Remember as a mum, duty maybe running non stop eventhough we are sick and tired. But do take a break from house chores, naps, getting fresh air, for a walk in the park. Once in awhile to have a helping hand to care for the kids while you have me time. Everyone deserves a break, dont push hard on yourself. Dont feel down neither feeling that you have fail. No one is perfect and a supermum or superdad. Cheer up and have a well deserved break. Virtual Hugs 🤗

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3y trước

my 7 old month has not been sleeping well, he's been waking up every 2 hour almost every night. in the day he's mostly cranky, idk why. he used to be such a happy baby but now he's just super cranky. my oldest, 3 year old is at thay stage that he wants everything his way. its very tiring to keep up.