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Yes, there is definitely discrimination against mothers at work in Singapore - working, pregnant, single, teen, first-time ... Pretty much as soon as you get married, they'd start thinking of a way to kick you out. For most employers, the moment you think about having a child (normally after marriage) is when you start losing your value - because with a child comes maternity leave, sick leave, childcare leave, compassionate leave ... and these are what most companies are NOT willing to go through because it affects work performance one way or another. If you compare it to Canada, they allow their employees to take childcare/maternity leave - and the companies are obligated to keep the position and salary that the parent is earning at that time. Meaning, if you're earning $5K/month as a manager - you can go for as long of a maternity/childcare leave that you need, and the company has to offer you your job back at $5K as a manager if you want to get back to work. By obligated, I mean you could sue the company if they don't. The government also gives each child $900/month until they turn 18 (that's $900/month x 12 months x 18 years) for each and every child regardless of whether they are born to married parents or not! Whereas in Singapore, companies will try to get rid of you as soon as they can to prevent losses - and single parents barely get any support. Of course, not all companies are like that - usually start-ups are more receptive to having a wide range of people from all stages of life and background, and they're more flexible in work arrangements too :)

I heard so. I think should be common especially in local companies and SME. I have only worked for MNCs and have not experienced discrimination for both my pregnancies. In fact I have been blessed with very good bosses for both times who are so understanding and accommodating towards me when I took mc, hospitalization leaves and allow me to pump at work when I need to. What's more I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd child before I started my new job and had to inform my boss when I was 2 months into the job and still on probation. Not only did he accepted it wholeheartedly when I informed him he asked me not to worry and just take mc if I need to go for gynae visits. He had shown me nothing but care and concern and never treated me differently. He is even OK if I take all 16 weeks maternity leave at one go and still extend with unpaid leave. I guess I have been very lucky.

Wow you are indeed very lucky to have such an understanding boss!! Mine wouldn’t let the preggy staff (not me) claim her KKH medical bills even though they are supposed to by law.. and also made noise about her going to 24hr emergency when she was bleeding at week 17! They demanded to see her registration slip from the 24hr clinic at KKH to show the date and time she entered the hospital! 😒😒😒 felt like complaining to MOM on her behalf.. such stingy companies should be penalized for such discriminations against pregnant staffs!

yup, its real for me based on 2 experiences. 1st was wen i just joined a banking industry and found out i was pregnant (1st child) during my probation period. What sadden me was, the bank manager who happen to be a female, told me that my situation may affect my confirmation period and being a 1st time mother at that point i was clueless on the affect. den recently my prev company told me to come back early and willing to encash me as a return. i told my boss if i had to choose, i had choose my child over the monetary offer and of course when i came back, each time i had to take ccl for appt or such he will comment "wah, u already took 4 mths maternity, still need to take ccl. why cannot do everything within that 4 mths?" dat hit me to leave the job.

Yes. My manager was really unhappy when I got married and the treatment got even worst when he found out I was pregnant. For something really petty, I got a warning letter for taking too much MC (once a month for check ups). Had a counselling session with HR, Manager and General Manager but they were talking rudely to me till they noticed my phone and became paranoid, questioning if I was recording the whole conversation which I wasn't. Immediately, they spoke to me super nicely, claiming to "understand" my delicate situation. But in the end, still received a Counselling/Reprimand letter and a Warning letter. Kind of sad as I had a really good reputation there with no issues till I got married and fell out with my manager.

Yes, discrimination is real. When I was expecting my 2nd child, there was a fairly new manager who was hired. She was superficially nice to me but tried to get me fired during my maternity leave. She used dirty and sly ways to get me fired and told lies to the senior management. Alas, her attempts failed. I came back from ML and still had my job. But after my ML, each time I took CCL or child sick leave, it would be questioned even if I had valid child MC. She played politics with too many people and many resigned as a result. I eventually resigned, but justice was served too. Shortly after I tendered my resignation, she was asked to leave. Apparently, she had committed a serious act which resulted in immediate dismissal.

Yes, I was asked to leave after I gave birth to my firstborn. One week after i return to work, I am placed under monitoring and 1 month later ask to go. Reason given by the company is not meeting KPI but I am the top performer of my department for the past few years even during my pregnancy. Called MOM for help but was told nothing can be done by them. Heard from some of my friends, they also encountered the same issue too; they were told no need to return to work after ML. One even lose her job promotion after she told her HR she was pregnant.

thats soo bad. I mean the company shd'nt do that and MOM shd take action against the company

Depends. Even though you have a female boss sometimes they can discriminate even towards their own gender. I have a female boss who will complain why all the pregnant woman who took mc because their morning sickness too bad are weaklings. Even those who took ccl, she said why got no one else to take care of your child. Thought with female boss it's easier cause they went through it and would understand better but no.

Discrimination is real. Company keeps delaying my promotion for a few years even after I have my kids even though I have resumed all my duties after ML. My direct supervisor is supportive of my promotion and I have a good performance rating. However, the promotion is constantly rejected by HR. When I spoke to HR, they questioned if I am able to commit fully since I have young kids at home.


yes, esp u have senior colleagues who believed you have fun n easy life on that 4months of leave. When returned, expecting you to deliver 2/3 more of your scopes n to come in early n stay late if cannot finish, plus... burn some hours during your weekends too. These r summary of two pregnancies.

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