Am i pregnant?

Theres a faint line, but im not sure. Am i pregnant?

Am i pregnant?
4 Replies
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Maybe you can try to test again a few days later. I was tested negative one day before my missed period. But when I tested 4 days after I missed my period, I got a positive.

2y trước

try testing again. dont worry dear i am 3 mths pp when i found out i'm hooked again for my #3 child.. i dont feel stressed out but in fact i feel happy cos im the chosen one to have it in a row 😅😅😅😅

Thành viên VIP

might be but to faint to confirm, test a few days later to confirm

Thành viên VIP

CNt see properly May be try after a week again

It is what it is!! Congrats 🥳