3 Replies

1) Bring #1 in a stroller or carrier if you’re going to appointments without help. Bring enough snacks and finger foods for #1 to munch on. Bring fav toy. Bring power bank in case all else fails, if you know what I mean. 2) If you still remember, there’s an option for you to go for the Down Syndrome scan which will be around Week 11-13. After that, the next scan is the gender reveal appt which is around Week 20-22. Followed by your OGTT (Glucose test) around Week 25-26 which is compulsory. Thereafter you may opt out for further appts until your next scan nearest to due date to see if baby is in breech position or not so gynae can advise you further. Below is the summary of my first pregnancy in Oct 2020 appointments and costs. ✅26 Feb - 1st scan @ AMC (forgot) 5w4d ✅30 Mar - 2nd scan @ AMC ($135.16) 11w ✅9 Apr - FTS DS scan @ ADC ($285.50) 12w3d ✅4 May - Doppler for heart rate ($47) 16w ✅11 June - Gender Reveal @ ADC ($131.36) 21w3d ✅14 July - OGTT ($83.50) 26w ✅8 Aug - Breech @ ADC ($63) 29w5d ✅12 Aug - Doppler for heart rate($62.36) 30w2d ✅2 Sept - Doppler for heart rate, scheduled C-sect on 14 Oct ($47) 33w2d ✅24 Sept - Baby head down @ AMC, c-sect cancelled, swab test for bacteria ($147) 36w3d ✅8 Oct - Doppler for heart rate($47) 38w3d ✅15 Oct - Doppler for heart rate($47) 39w3d 19 Oct - EDD confirmed and baby born 40w

1) tbh would just bring no.1 along in pram, prep like it's for an outing. clothes, diapers, milk, snacks etc. 2) I started going for my appointments at 23weeks with my 1st as I held off on seeing the doctors for long due to personal reasons, thereafter I actually missed plenty of appointments due to work conflict or just financial issue, didn't wanna go for appointment n then have to pay for it. 3) Guess u could always look for an adhoc nanny? Or a friend who doesn't mind helping out? Some childcare centres actually do have services for just occasional dropoffs too, meaning ur child is not in IFC/CC but basically like daycare as n when needed

You can hire adhoc nanny to your house for maybe 3-5hrs blocks. If nanny come your house, easier for baby to adjust although may cry. But at least environment is familiar for baby. Don’t think it’s good to skip any of your appointments. Else, can ask hubby if can take 1/2 day AL to stay at home with #1

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