Hi, is there anyone have had experience delivering as fpp putrajaya? Kalau waktu pandemic like this, husband dapat masuk tak? Kalau bilik 1 katil, husband can sleep together teman or not during pandemic ni? Then ada dengar like hosp putrajaya tak bagus sebab sikit² nak c-sect. Idk lah. Seeing other people pun nampak gayanya ramai c-sect dekat situ. Can anyone share your own experience dekat situ, tak kisahlah fpp or not. Thinking of going for fpp putrajaya but ada dengar orang kata tak bagus in terms of anything je nak c-sect. So yeah. Don't know whether should go for it or not. Tanak dengar dari mulut orang yang tak experience sendiri. If worth it, nak lah pergi sana. Fpp kan? Kenalah worth it. Thanks. #mommybuntu #fpp #fppputrajaya #hospitalputrajaya #advicepls

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