My last fetal anatomy scan was at 21 weeks. Next is glucose test at 27 weeks, will there be another fetal scan?

Will there be another fetal scan at 27 weeks too along with glucose test?

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took glucose test at 26weeks and no fetal scan .. the doc just inform me of my results and check my baby's heart. that's all . my next detailed fetal scan will only be when im 32 weeks pregnant .. i think detailed scan will be the anomaly at 20 to 22nd weeks and growth scan after 30weeks ..

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Are you with a structured hosp? Or are you under private? If I’m not wrong, usually Govt hosp only has scan on the 28th week. But if you’re under private scans are done at every visit

3y trước

Govt hospital.. so there will be another scan? Yay!

i'm with nuh subsidy, my last fetal scan was at 22 weeks. tomorrow i 28 weeks, going for glucose test. next fetal scan scheduled on 32weeks.

3y trước

Did they say anything about a scan at 28 weeks?