Rhinitis/ Blocked nose
Hi there. My 5 month LO has blocked nose / rhinitis for 2 weeks already. Doctor said he can only prescribe nose drops and antihistamines for my LO. He also said blocked nose will always recur even until my LO grows up. Meaning it will not go away (genetic?) So far, I find the medications not effective and my LO blocked nose is still blocked and runny sometimes. Now my LO also coughs with phlegm at night and couldn't sleep well. Until now I don't know what allergies LO has that triggered rhinitis (dust mites?). I have cleaned the house and room. I have tried using sterimar to clean the nose and also aspirator to clear the mucus. I myself have rhinitis and my dad too. It could be hereditary but I pains my heart to see my LO couldn't sleep well. I wonder if any mummy has faced this situation before ? Can help me? #pleasehelp #advicepls