Am i allowed to eat panadol during my pregnancy? I got a massive headache since lastnight.

Thank you!

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I have a very bad flu n headache but still eat a panadol or piriton its ok to take some medication if you really need it, coz im going to see a doctor they still give me the same medication.

5y trước

Oh i see, thank you dear for the info! Just meet up for doctor they said panadol is okay maximum 2 tablet per day. But if possible avoid it. If you having flu try drink honey lemon dont take flu pill ok dear

panadol a.k.a paracetamol is the only low to moderate painkiller allowed for pregnant mother. jangan ambil painkiller sebarangan like ponstan or voltaren.

5y trước

Thank you so much sis!

So panadol would be better than paracetamol is it? I got fever and already took 1 paracetamol pill yesterday and 1 pill today ☹️

5y trước

if demam or anything terus consult doctor...jgn percaya article on internet bulat2....

Influencer của TAP

Better get advice from doctor. You shouldn’t take prescription medication without a doctors consent especially for pregnant mother.

Boleh ambik paracetamol tapi jgn terlalu kerap ya.

Thành viên VIP

Yes but only if you really need to. Not too often.

only needed and recommendation from doctor..

Thành viên VIP
5y trước

Oh my goodness, thanks for the sharing dear!

boleh. tapi jangan selalu tau

5y trước

Okay thank you sha!

boleh je tapi yg hospital bekalkan.