Happy Easter

Tetelestia.• Easter is undoubtedly my favorite holiday. It's a day that solidify our hope in eternity with our saviour and creator. It's a day to rejoice in the VICTORY. it's a day that truly sets our faith apart. Jesus risen from the dead and conquering the grave is the greatest come back story of all time. It's better than any masters, Super Bowl, and National champions game win combined. The stone was rolled away made our eternity with Jesus was established.• But every time Good Friday rolls around, it typically feels anything but good. As much has Jesus rose from the grave, He still had to experience it on our behalf. It makes my heart heavy has I take time to reflect on my life knowing that it was my sin that put it Him there. I look at broken world longing for HOPE, but refusing to look towards the cross and it breaks me to my core. As believers, let's vow to never be a reason someone turns from the cross because of our judgement, our hatred, our legalism, or our misrepresentation. Let the soberness of Easter be a reminder that our job is to love like Jesus did and carry people to that same cross that save our souls and gave us life. I can't imagine what Jesus felt like knowing He was about to take on the wrath of God, the weight of the world sin, and separation from his father. I have tears writing this oh how it throws me into a place of pure adoration of my King. He could've left that pain with the snap of his fingers, but because of his love for us, he hung On that cross with OUR name on his mind. He knew before time every DECISIONS we would make, but he died anyways. Has much has it was our sin that put Him there, it was his love for us that KEPT him there. With one single word: Tetelestai, it was finished.•