positive vibes of breastfeeding

tell me a positive side of stories when mummy breastfeeding your baby.. I hope this time I can bf my second child longer than his brother which is less than 2weeks..

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For me breastfeeding is more to bonding then feeding. I bf my son for a year now and almost everything can be handled with just a mom boob, imagine that!

Bonding and bila dengar dia sedut susu everytime, its like all my love flowing thru nipple and straight away she swallow all that ❤️ satisfaction 👌🏻

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Bonding n seeing the baby gain weight just with your own milk! Me too, 1st baby mix, 2nd baby fully df. ❤️ Goodluck mommy, you can do it. 😘

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My baby suka bila i tengok dia bf. Borak dengan dia masa tu sambil zikir. Have fun bf and dont get stress. Take care of your emotion. 😄

Im happy bila baby kenyang and seronok bila tengok peha ayam dia bila dia makin tembam 😁