18 Các câu trả lời
Yang berckap tu perut dia tak pernah kena belah.. Tak merase lagi.. Bolehlah cakap mcm2.. Bagi dorang merase dulu.. Sakit bersalin czer tu mcm mane.. Baru tau perit nk jage luka..
My advise is.. U make ur own choice to stay n allowed ppl hurt u.. If u don't like it do something to change ok sis.. Stay strong. ❤️
you should tell your sisters yourself, be frank to them. So they'll know what they're doing and how they are treating you is not right.
siannye sis😢kalau mcm tu gayanya better sambOng pantang kt umah sndiri. Beby 1st ke bsalin nie??
Awk jgn stress2,awk kene jaga diri....jgn jd mcm sy kene drh tgi mase dlm pntg...
Insyallah..sy cuba..terima kasih awk..
Smbung pantg umh sndri je sis.. Lgi selesa dan x terkawal..
duduk berpntng uma sndri sis xde tekanan
Adk bradk lain tu belum kahwin lagi ye..
Terima kasih awk bg semangat kt sye...insyallah sy cuba...
Ieyma Moncitt