4 Replies

I was very anxious about getting a VBAC done. But I spoke in great detail to my gynae about the pros and cons and she reassured me that it was nothing to worry about. I ended up having a calm birth and the recovery period was so quick compared to my first birth which was obviously a C-section. My advice is to do your research before going into a VBAC and speak to your doctor about any concerns you might have.

Hi. It is nice reading some women had succesful vbac. May i know yout gynae please. Thank you

Hi, my cousin went through vbac without any issues. Your gynae will recommend it only after a thorough assessment. I think the biggest worry is that the C-section stitches would come open during delivery, which would then make things serious for both mummy and baby. Which is why doctors won't recommend vbac if your last pregnancy was not too long ago.

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Thank you for the helpful advise. My gynae doesn't seem to be very supportive on me doing VBAC thou my #1 is already 3.5 years old. I will go and do more research and discuss with him again.

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