5 Replies

VIP Member

I’m at Week 21 and I still have it, but vomiting less (about 2 times a week instead). Diclectin really helped me on the worst days and constant snacking on fruits helps too as you won’t have the painful gastric juices kind of vomit which can really hurt the throat. 🤞🏻 It’ll get better, just don’t expect it to be done just in the first trimester like everyone expects ❤️💪🏻 We’re all different and it can last longer. Knowing this might help in feeling less confused at why it’s still there at Week 12 :)

mine lasted till week 16. Try to eat some snacks and avoid empty stomach coz when ur stomach is empty, u will feel more nausea. I eat biscuits. It actually helps 😁

mine lasted for 20 weeks! im on my 21st week and nausea isnt that bad anymore. i ate fruits, nuts, crackers, or candies when i feel nauseated

my nausea lasted through 16 weeks as well! i take preggie pop drops! can get them from iherb.

try chewing or having some minty sweets. it helped for me!

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