Yes agree and also from tmc, in fact for my age, the gynae should have just inform that I am likely to fail oscar, but she just kept quiet and watch us proceed the test and get panick from the result (can tell from her reaction that this was expected), which made me quite pissed because along time I get to see they are actually more interested in making money from us, the more test we do, better for their pockets! I was then referred to another specialist due to other conditions and similar thing happened. They knew where are the safety limits that doesnt hurt their reputation and send us for rounds of consultations and tests so they earn more out of it, how I confirn this fact is because I decide to also visit the gov hospital concurrently for second opinion. guess what? govt hospital prescriptions and advise solved my condition while tmc specialist slowly take his time to treat me, so I have to keep going back for test and consultation. Beware of private doctors, they won't kill u (as they need to save their reputation too) but they will ripe ur wallet off in a subtle way.