Hi, I also bumps and piles after delivery.. It was very painful but I went to see my gynea and she said there is no infection.. And just have me more pain killers. To manage the pain, I sit on donut pillow After shower, put on ice cold sanitary pad (spray water onto the sanitary pad and pit in freezer) Ice the wound (use surgical gloves, inside put water, freeze it. And numb the area) Sitz bath (sit in water with salt water) Took me 3 weeks to recover.
This is not good. You can call your gynae and arrange for an appointment asap. No need to wait for the postnatal visit. In the meanwhile, try to keep the wound clean and dry. Wash with water, dab dry and use a perineal antiseptic spray if you have.
Please check with your gynae. Shouldn’t have any bumps or blister. Take note of your temperature as well (if it’s infection might cause fever) . Take care
Shouldn’t have bumps or blisters tho. Please check with your gynae