4months old and sick

My son is 4months and 17days old.been coughing for a week r8ght after we got back from kl to kuching..kuching haze very bad.even when we only stay inside the house and mostly use aircond.my mother who is a god believer keep giving excuse for me to bring him to clinic and i told my sister and we went. Turns out my son had inflame throat and mucus.we went to a private clinic. Dr gave panadol,coughing syrup and antibiotic and suggest to do nab.i only gave my son panadol and coughing syrup because my sister say he is too young for antibiotic and the doctor so daring give antibiotic to a baby. he is fully breastfed.my sister said that her son took antibiotic since he is a baby which made him get sick easily because the body cant fight own its own. My question here is that,should i give him the antibiotic or not?

4months old and sick
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Selalunya 1st antibiotik akan dipantau oleh doktor. BAYI 2thn ke bawah. Ada bayi tidak dapat terima antibiotik biasa yang selalu diberikan oleh doktor tu. Ada yang ok. Pengalaman saya, bayi sy berusia 6bln, doktor tak lepaskan balik rumah sebab nak ON antibiotik. So, 3hari warded. Dah ok, xde alahan, doc lepaskan berbaki 4hari utk full antibiotik. So, tak boleh bagi sebarang antibiotik ni lebih lebih lagi 1st antibiotik. Berbahaya. Antibiotik pun ada berjenis2. Klu x ngam yg ni, doc akan bagi yg tu. X ngam jgak bagi lg yg lain. So, perlu pemantauan utk BAYI shj. Ubat batuk pun, no need la sis. Saya pernah di inform Doktor pakar,tak perlu. Batuk akan hilang dengan sendiri dan semulajadi. Klinik/hosp kerajaan x akan bagi ubat batuk. Neb carikan kahak ok. Boleh neb.

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6y trước

Thank u for info sis

Sis, anak sy baru semalam batuk teruk.. pukul 4 pagi tadi bawak ke klinik utk neb, ulang lg pukul 830pg neb.. then doc refer ke hospital.. now warded sbb katanya ada infection.. anak sy umur 4tahun... anak sis umur 4bulan.. sudah 7hari batuk.. please bawak ke hospital... di hopital pun doc belum lg on antibiotics.. masih lg neb.. musim jerebu skrg ni bahaya sis..

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6y trước

Take care sis n baby... semoga baby cepat sihat..😊