How to teach baby to speak
My son is 1y 7m, and have not yet speak or combine any words. Everyday we talk to him, teach him to speak, learn with song, with flash card, with video, teaching him while playing, but still no success. He understand what we are saying, he know the animal sound, he know when the que to roar to the dinasour song, all he can say is na, da, & blue for every color. Is there any ways for me to help him speak?

Suggestion sy, stop video & singing song tu.. Just borak2 je dgn dia.. Meaningful words sepatutnya kena ada 20words dah.. Try lagi mommy.. Roaring to a song not a meaningful word.. Same goes as colour blue.. Ajar dia amek / cari barang, sebut nama barang tu.. Tu routine sy buat utk anak sy bila dia almost one.. By one & half.., dia dah pandai sebut nama barang2 yg ada depan mata dia.. Eg: susu, teddy, sudu, air, bantal, ubat, etc.. Combine words tu maybe like nearly two baru pandai.. Cuma basic meaningful word tu kena ada dulu, baru baby pandai utk combine words..
Đọc thêmIts normal dear. All babies have different milestones and development. You just need to trust your kid, don’t look at other ppl kid and feel insecure or feel like you’re not doing enough. Instead of asking the kid, what is this, you can make a sentence and engage him to say the word. Make the kid look at your lips instead of showing tv/ videos.
Đọc thêmYes i’ve try all that. He refuse to speak, 😂 he just point whenever he want something, i guess he just not ready yey
we are in the same boat,😅. but mine 1y4m. btw can sing a song is not indicate that they can speak. SLP said, they want 2ways communication.. if they understand simple order, they can tell us what they want by pointing etc but still without pronouncing, is still good. my son ticks points in the late talker group, not in speech delay. idk about yours
Đọc thêmspeech delay boleh detect seawal 18m, tp setakat sy faham yg puan cerita, dia cuma late talker
Teruskan bcakap dgn dia puan. Anak sy dulu 2y baru start ckp, kalau sblm tu 2/3 word je dia tahu. Tapi dlm umur dia 2y3m skli dia nk bcakap, smpai terus blh buat ayat. Dia kumpul word terus 😅 lps tu jangan borak dgn dia guna byk bahasa. Guna 1 bahasa je dulu.
Sama macam anak sulung saya. 2tahun something rasanya dia baru bercakap & responsive & construct ayat. Masa checkup 2tahun dia cuma point, atau cakap benda basic sepatah sepatah (mama, abah, yes, no, jatuh) Vocab tak meluas walaupun selalu ajar. Tapi bila checkup dr cakap ok je normal sebab dia faham arahan & sebagainya. Cuma belum gabung 2 perkataan/bercakap macam bertih jagung. 2tahun something jugak tetiba dia bercakap ayat panjang 4/5 perkataan terus dalam satu ayat. cuma ada some words je pronunciation dia tak berapa betul kena dengar betulbetul. Tapi ayat dia betul je. In sha Allah slowly but surely. Dont worry mommy as long as dr/nurse cakap ok & follow milestone dia in sha Allah ok. Mommy teruskan je bercakap & ajar dia.
Kekeliruan bahasa. Kalau parents nak ajar 2 bahasa kat anak, jangan campur bahasa. Kena salah sorang cakap fully malay, sorang lagi fully english. Kalau sorang campur2 kejap english kejap malay anak akan confuse. Ni tips dr kelas yg sy join.
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dh jumpa Dr ke?
In sha allah harap harap macam tu lah 🫠
Expecting A Mini Me