3 Replies

I bought keenz recently at the mummy market. I bought cause its easily foldable , light weight, have a good storage and also can put heavy sling bag on the handle as well! it's just what I needed after using joie for my newborn. one handed navigation through the tight don don donki spaces EASY! only factor is abit hard to go on Mrt cause of the train gap between the platform and the train. Also, it can get hot in the stroller, but I have learnt to open the back for the breeze to flow through. Overall in love with it. it's suspension at the wheels also mean a seamless transition between drain gaps. very minimal shaking. the bar at the back wheels may seem to be an obstacle for some, but really helps to angle the stroller to get up curbs. only downside is definitely not easy to elevate the seat while the child is in it.

I have been using Keenz for 2 years+ since newborn (with infant cushion). I bought Keenz because of the storage basket 😂. Weight wise, I’m a weak mum but still able to lift and handle the stroller myself. Only thing that I don’t like about Keenz is that the seats cannot go up to 90 degrees.


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