Mum guilt for pumping > latching

Hello mums who exclusively pump, when and why did you decide to stop latching on directly? I’m already feeling mum guilt that I only latch twice a day and pump more than I latch. Hoping to hear some of your experiences if you don’t mind sharing 🙆🏻‍♀️ #firsttimemom

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Why the mom guilt tho, since you are still feeding your baby and baby growing well. I was in fact happier when I was pumping compared to latching. Because by pumping and bottle feeding, anyone in my household could take over some duties like feeding as I rest. Latching really took a toll on me as i was waking up every other hour for feeding and couldn’t even get proper rest. Now that I’m bottle feeding, I get more rest since my husband can help with feeding. Don’t feel guilty, you are doing ur best too~ 😅

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