Labour Pain

Im on my 3rd trimester, EDD mid-July. Cant stop worrying about the pain of gving birth😣 Any mummies out there able to advise if normal labour is painful? And how about the cutting and sewing of the private part? 😖

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Mine was induce labour, I wanted natural delivery as well, but doc didn’t let me have epidural as they have to remove the heart beat monitor for baby & her heartbeat wasn’t very strong. I was having contractions for almost 12hrs 4cm dilated , when doctor told my husband that I needed emergency c-sec. Contraction pain really depends on individual pain tolerance haha , but for me was quite painful couldn’t sleep. But so long as your baby is out safe & sound , delivery method isn’t a issue to me;)

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Contraction is painful but depends on individual. Best is to go see videos on breathing techniques which is useful when contractions come. Epidural is ur BFF. I fall asleep when I’m on epidural and when I wake up 2 hrs later, I’m 10cm dilated and ready to push. I don’t feel the cutting but can feel abit of the tugging during sewing. My advise is, if u are really scare of pain. Go for epidural

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I gave birth without epidural because i wanted the full experience 😂 Anyway, thankfully my normal menses cramps are tolerable. So honestly, the contractions felt like my cramps but it is more frequent and more intense as time passes. I didn’t feel the cut but i only felt pain during the stitching up as my gynae removed the blood clots from womb and i was bleeding alot.

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It is painful but you’ll be very relieved after the baby is out. I took epidural so I didn’t feel the contractions so much while in labour. I got to sleep for a while at least. And I had an episiotomy after; didn’t feel anything when my gynae sewed down there.

Thành viên VIP

I always thought I have high tolerance on pain but contraction made me cry! luckily there is Epidural.. Life saver... So it is no painful experience.

Thành viên VIP

Take epidural lah. No feeling one ok!

4y trước

Lol dont look la. I didnt see a thing. At that point it was so painful I thought i was going to die