Normal or not?
I am at my 16 weeks 3 days but still vomitting, headache and dizziness. Is it normal????????

kawan sy sampai ke sudah loya muntah😅. siap kene injection bagai n ade mslah anaemia yg agak serius since die xleh nak telan apa2. makan je muntah lg. tp syukur la baby die sihat walafiat. lahir2 je 3kg. tp hrap sgt awak tak alami bende yg sm.. seksa gak tgk die..
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normal... saya pon dlu loya muntah pagi siang malam... sampai 6 bulan kne tahan, 3 kali tahan wad... n skng alhamdulillah xde dh... 😅 selera mkn pon dh ade balik.. bnyak kn bersabar ye mommy
Thank you everyone for the replies! Alhamdulillah i have been through the morning sickness and now the major problem is i keep gaining my weight since my appetite is back on the track!🤣😆😉
Normal..i’m in 2 tri-sem as well..still mabuk2..even pregnancy yg 1st i still mabuk sampai nak bersalin..hopefully sis tak lama & mudah2han berakhir demgan cepat..😊
its normal . im 22 weeks already. still having my dizziness. hahaha .just enjoy the pregnancy sis . dont let it stress ur baby
saya 16weeks juga.. sama mcm awak juga loya muntah sakitkepala.. saya kena admitted masuk air sbb dehydrated teruk 😢
sy Pernah alaminye.pening2 .mkn je mkn apple hijau lpas muntah tu..alas perut ..besok nye x muntah dh..
Normal. Ada sesetgh org morning sickness berterusan smpai hjg 2nd trimester. Bertabah ya 😅
Ye normal sis ada jgk yg smpai nak b’salin hadapi mslh spti kta ni sis 😅
A mother