32 Replies

I think it's normal in my first pregnancy ganyan ako but now I'm pregnant with second baby. two months palang feel ko na siya

Yes I felt it late too! As long as scan and heartbeat ok, dun worry. Prob your stomach muscles are strong haha

I felt kicks only after 28th week and more movements after. You'll enjoy those moments and find them amazing!

VIP Member

May be harder to differentiate movement at first, feels a bit like lit bubbling or stomach growling..

Oh... I felt mine at 20th week. Every mama is different, if you are worry, ask your gynae.

VIP Member

I think I felt it not so early too. If during scans, baby is moving well, then no worries

felt mine at 17wks 1st baby.. can actually see her kicks in my tummy🤗

Your baby must be active at night while u r asleep... Don't worry..

it feels like someone is swimming inside or bubbles popping :)

Do u feel abit vibration or like something swimming inside?

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