Sleeping issues

My baby is reaching 5 months. He started to have sleep regression around 3.5 months when he was learning how to flip. Now he can flip well but still wakes up a few times at night. I co-sleep with him and nurse him to sleep as I have work the next day and this is the easiest agreement. Will this arrangement be undesirable as he may associate sleep with nursing and still can't fall asleep on his own? He may also be accustomed to co-sleep and refuse to sleep on his own in the future. When will he be able to sleep throughout the night? Should I train him to fall asleep on his own?

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As long as you feel ok with co-sleeping, then you should continue doing so. The baby feel secures when mom is nearby,that's why he keeps waking up in the middle of the night and checking you out! You can try make him 'tired' first by playing or reading when bedtime is nearer,then 'relax' him by taking shower/massage/sing lullaby songs and finally goes to bed. Hopefully these will help him going into sleeping time easier and longer.

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