2 Replies

I actually haven’t gotten any grant from the government. Even for pre school, I had to suppose to get a social worker to help me with the subsides but it didn’t work out so I ended up applying for private school and paid the full amount. All the best! 😊😊😊 As for how tough, It’s definitely tough. Having your lo to ask you where’s daddy? Having to have birthday celebration in school without their dads

You will receive baby bonus as long as your child is singaporean but only half the benefits. Single mums are also not entitled to ALOT of things.. Are you below or above 21? If below, you can contact BABES n ask if they can help u. Stay strong!

BABES is a helpline for teen mums under the age of 21. U can google for more info about them. Also, u can google for more info on single mums too, eg, financial assistance, housing, emotional support, etc.

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