2 Các câu trả lời

So I went to the doctors and what I have is Placenta Previa, it's rare but it happens. It's when my placenta is low lying and practically blocking the exit of where the baby is supposed to come out of. Doctor says there is a blood vessel ruptured and that caused the spotting and light bleeding for me and have ordered me to bed rest for 1 week. Today is Day 1 of bed rest and there is no bleeding! I think taking rest and walking less helps with this condition. If my placenta doesn't move upwards in the next week there's a high chance I would need csection. Anyway, this update is for anyone who could have the same symptoms. Hope it helps! :)

better to inform on your next checkup but usually its nothing to be worried about unless the spotting can fill a whole pad or its fresh blood.

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