Should you avoid driving during First trimester due to Morning sickness?

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If it is really severe and the mommy-to-be is not up to the task, then yes, better to be safe and stick to being a passenger. My best friend drove to school (she is a teacher) as per usual during her pregnancy but during the first few weeks, she had to stop driving because of severe morning sickness. She found herself having to stop to throw up at the road shoulder or using a sick bag. This can be dangerous if she was driving on the expressway, at speeds up to 70km/h. In that period of time, she'd often feel light headed after driving. After the morning sickness had subsided, she went back to driving but if her protective husband were around, he wouldn't let her drive either way. That being said, I've had friends who drove safely in their first trimester despite the morning sickness. Really depends on how severe it is, and whether you are confident to drive.

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