11 Các câu trả lời

Wax will be clean but due to pregnancy your skin will be very sensitive and it might hurt or will create burning sensation/redness and skin infection. So guess better go for shave.

VIP Member

I did wax, feels all clean right before the delivery. You’ll probably feel more pain during wax treatment due to your sensitivity (pregnancy)

i do the shave..cuz i heard a lot of comment, if you didnt shave, the doc or nurse will shave for you😅

Shaving. and never let our vagina untrim.

VIP Member

Shave! You can ask your partner to help you too ☺☺

Better shave, ortherwise the nurse will shave for u

shave better. wax = painfull. ok bye..take care..

Just shave, it can be risky if you do wax

Just shave..


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