Ectopic pregnancy after blighted ovum

Sharing my recent ectopic pregnancy experience. I went back to my private gynae a week later for a followup. Sac still cannot be seen at week 6 via ultrasound with some masses found in right tube area. I had no bleeding, no sharp pain, just slight aches in lower back. I was referred immediately to A&E at kkh, sgh, mt E. Chose Kkh, went to the A&E, checked and found right tube seems swollen. Got referred to radiologist for further detailed check. Finally to find the sac to be in my right fallopian tube. Yolk sac found, no fetal pole, 2.4cm. Things suddenly escalated with no explanation, nurse with wheel chair came, pushed to nurses office, then nurses with a bed came to fetch me back to A&E waiting room while waiting for my beta and radiologist report which can take an hour or 2. I guess the news can only be shared via the doctor's mouth. Nurse did an ART test for me suddenly. Within 30 mins Doctor called for me and shared the news, ectopic confirmed on the right, my Hcg lvl was over 10 000, too high to be considered for medicine treatment. I need to go for the surgery right away on the same day. Laparoscopic salpingectomy, i was shocked when the doctor told me my tube will be removed with the ectopic pregnancy to avoid complications and future recurrence. Everything felt like a dream, from a blighted ovum few months ago and now ectopic. Surgeon said my uterus and left fallopian tube looks fine from the inside. Theres no specifc reason or link between the ectopic and blighted ovum. The fact that i can get pregnant twice it means the sperm and the egg are fine. I dont smoke and im below 35 with no history in the family with such issue. I just wonder what can i do or eat to prevent or reduce such risk further next time. Probably nt meant to have a Tiger year baby 🤔 #advicepls #ectopicPregnancy

1 Replies

Super Mum

Hugs. Take some time to recuperate both physically and mentally. The speed in which things moved would really be mind boggling. Some have gone to Tcm or acupuncture for alternative remedies for overall better reproduction health. Can also look up on coq10.

Thanks for the reminder! Im looking up on tcm, feel free to recommend if you know of any good tcm. Will look up coq10 too

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