Help for Nausea at week 6
Hello. Can you share any tips for new parents? My wife is having very bad nausea and dizziness. Can’t really function normally. consuming anti nausea + b6 + hormones pills. Thank you everybody.

Hi! Congratulations to you and your wife. Morning sickness unfortunately is inevitable for majority of pregnant women. Most going into mid of the second trimester and some through out the pregnancy. I am a mother of one and am currently 27weeks pregnant with my second. My morning sickness went through all the way till 23 weeks. I can only say that if not for my husband, I probably would be in so much more misery. So I would reckon and advise that you will have to just be there for her. Bring her whatever she needs. My husband prepared hot water thermos with whole wheat bread at the side of the bed every night, he would wake me up a little after midnight so I can have even a bit of it. Reason is morning sickness gets worse with an empty stomach in the morning. During the day he made sure I ate small tiny meals every 2 hours. (Basically popping a text/call reminder) Have oats, saltines, plain crackers, whole wheat bread, dried fruits, nuts (macadamia & almonds) all stocked up at the pantry. Vomiting reduced a little cause dried food lessened the bloating. She’s probably too tired to think about nourishing herself so, you get chewable prenatal vitamins to get some nutrients in her. And lots of water. Hang in there guys, it will get better, all the best.
Read morehello there! firstly, congratulations to the pregnancy! I also had bad nausea all day up till now and I could not function properly between week 7 to end of 9 weeks as the nausea was at its worst for me. I was on leave and I was bed ridden all the day when I could.. other days were just me struggling to get by. As a foodie myself, I could not stand the sight of food and even when food advertisements showed up on TV I will feel yucky. You can get diclectin (anti nausea pills) from your gynae to help. Try to keep hydrated.. my gynae says that this is very common in first trimester and he even tell me that weight loss is normal and I can drink juices/cold drinks if that is all I can stomach.. I took those plain meiji crackers when I'm getting even more nauseated with empty stomach and food that has no smell, usually non hot stuffs like - cereals, plain toast,cold wraps, etc.. hang in there! It should get better as she approach 2nd trimester (I'm still hoping the day will come and the nausea will ease up completely) Jiayou!!!!
Read moreIt’s normal daddy-to-be! Don’t be too worry, and congratulations! Tbh nothing much can be done other than getting her to have more rest and eat well. During my last pregnancy last year, I can’t even stay awake throughout my first trimester and even fall asleep in office and feeling nauseous till I deliver. Sour plums was my best friend as it really helped me a lot to control whenever I about to puke out. Try not to let your wife to move about especially if she feeling dizzy and assisting her whenever you can.
Read morehello congratulations to you and wifey! im at week 10, been having nausea and vomit and bloated all the time since week 5. Husband has been great in helping move around taking things and getting things done for me. Diclectin prescribed from the gynae really helps too. Hope this phase will pass soon. Jiayou everyone!
Read moreIf anti-nausea doesn't helps then there's nothing much you can do. Most importantly to be there for her, let her get enough rest and drink plenty of fluid! Eat separate small meals, snack here and there. Don't eat a whole meal. I tend to drink warm water during that period. Quite satisfying feeling in the tummy!
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