Morning sickness tips that work for you!
Hi, can you share how you manage your morning sickness? I am week 8 in and I’m starting to get MS and am constantly burping, but haven’t found any good ways of dealing with it! Plums and soda crackers are short lived - the nausea returns once I’ve finished them. Ginger tea and lemon do not seem to have an effect. What has worked for you? Share please! Thanks in advance 😍 #pleasehelp #firsttimemom

my 1st trim was HORRIBLE. I couldn't eat anything at all, 2 bites of something and everything comes back out almost immediately after. the only things that would stay in were raw green leafy veggies, plain. i tried ginger stuff, crackers, lemon. nausea pills...nothing works. cried a lot that period cos i was so hungry and i had no energy, had to be put on a drip once for dehydration. started being able to slowly consume more food in my 14th week and now i'm in my 25th and well. sorry i don't have any tips to help you but i hope you'll bear with it for a while! having your partner around for support helps a lot too. it gets better! :)
Read moremine was to stick to the dry stuff e.g eating fruit loops dry or bread. what worked for me was not to get hungry. so I ate small meals and had the dry stuff as snacks. and a fruit serving everyday. you can do it! hopefully you find something that works!
yup yup I guess cos more acidic when empty. so in the awake moments, even if not hungry, I will just eat a light snack (dry cereal, cookie or fruit) every 3 hours or so so that it doesn't get empty up until before bed. But even with all these, i still puked quite abit after my main lunch/dinner meals if they were too oily, smell inducing etc.. these just help to curb the random nausea away so it doesnt affect my workdays. anyways, once the bump grows, can't eat so close to bedtime already cos may have indigestion/ heartburn 😅 so need to revise your eating routine again.
I ate 2 bananas the moment I'm awake. it helps in the nauseous feeling. and taking small meals in between my schedule. got the natural confectionery sour candies too to help ease of the initial stage :)
I had small meals and most of the time they were not seasoned or very little. Try to identify what triggers your nausea. I was very sensitive to smell and heavily seasoned food.
You can try anti-nausea band. You wear it on your wrists. It worked for me for a very short while though. I had very serious MS which lasted till few weeks before labour.
But you have to be careful with the ingredients inside the band and whether it is harmful for the baby or not.
the only thing that helped me was taking diclectin. otherwise I couldn’t eat anything at all. with this I could finally eat solid foods again
My recommendation is a really sour vitamin c sweet got them from Don Don donki.
I drank orange juice w breakfast and it helped me greatly.
I was lazy, I got the Florida’s since the price almost the same for good orange juices. So long as it isn’t from concentrate.
i always eat watermenlon on empty stomach
Diclectin helped me. Nothing else 🫣