At early stage of pregnancy, do mummies experience headache and migraines?

yes also having migraine headache. I checked with my she said took 2-3ltr water some times due to dehydration we had headache. still I didn't take any medicine on my own. when I get headache I try to take sleep put some balm. May be you can check with your gyne also if you want to take med took advice from her .
Read moreI've headaches quite often and it gets worse when I don't get quality sleep through the night. I've resorted to taking panadol on a couple of occasions when it was so bad.. oh ya normal panadol are okay to take but I try to avoid unless I really cannot tolerate anymore especially at work.
yes very normal. but honestly I was very worried because my migraine could not go away then I had to eat Panadol. but was very worried that the panadol would be harmful to the baby. so honestly I think it was very mentally stressful
yes normal. drink more water to stay hydrated. if really unbearable I've been told panadol is ok but do check with your gynae first! 🙂
I don't experience any headache or migraine during 1st and 2nd trimesters, but I think it is normal.
31 weeks now. Still have headaches now and then.
mine was occasionally around 3rd trimester..
yeap, pregnancy symptoms.
yes it’s normal