3 Replies

as long as you can still keep food and water down, you don't really need to see a doctor. i had my worst morning sickness from week 9 all the way to week 13 .. all i can stomach is icy cold water, plain biscuits and toast .. i literally live on just that for a month plus .. when i told my gynae, she said its normal and gave me MS medicine but it doesn't work for me . i still feel nauseaous .. i cannot smell food, see any images of food or try other food th enabove mentioned .. my food aversion was a nightmare .. can't even go out to malls cause i feel i wanna puke .. so yeah, if you cannot stomach any food down, thats the time to see the doctor .. you prolly need the iv drip .. if u can still eat, even just a biscuit, it is totally normal.

hi babe, I've been through that phase.. I did not go for any social gatherings as I didn't feel like I'm up for it. My bag is stocked with plastic bags and sometimes I would feel like I need to get down public transport halfway cuz I feel so nauseated I am so afraid I can't control my puke. It's normal as morning sickness is a common symptom in the first trimester. I did end up going to my doctor at week 8 to get diclectin cuz I couldn't wait until the next appt . the good thing is most of the time, the morning sickness will subside from second trimester onwards. Hang in there! take care!

I'm a ftm and I had it far worst from week 9 to week 12 because I can't drink and eat and lost 10kg during that period.. but doctor reassure baby is ok during 1 of the appointment because they know how to get nutrient from the mother, only the mother need to make sure don't dehydrate

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