Sesi Tanya Pakar Bersama En. Calvin Tan, Child Behavioral Therapist from Nutrigene ModernSciences

Salam Sejahtera Ahli TAP, Siapa di sini rasa anak mereka ada masalah emosi mental dan fizikal? Anda tahu tak apa itu maksud pengawalan emosi? Atau anak mereka kerap tantrum apabila tidak mendapat apa yang mereka inginkan? Tahukah anda jika kita tidak mengawal isu ini, ia boleh membahayakan mereka sendiri? Ayah Ibu, anda tahu tak bagaimana nak kenal pasti tahap kestabilan mental dan fizikal anak anda? Pernah tak anda berfikir bahawa tingkah laku mereka ini normal atau tidak? Anda tahu tak bahawa kesihatan mental positif harus diterapkan dari kecil lagi? Jika anda rasa anak anda ada masalah emosi mental dan fizikal, anda wajib ikuti Sesi Tanya Pakar kami pada kali ini. Tanya soalan anda tentang masalah pengawalan emosi mental dan fizikal tentang kanak-kanak dan cara untuk mengatasinya bersama En. Calvin Tan, Child Behavioral Therapist daripada Nutrigene Modern Sciences pada 7 Disember 2022, hari Rabu. *NOTA: Sebarang persoalan di luar daripada topik dan tarikh yang ditetapkan mungkin tidak akan dijawab atau dipadam terus.

Sesi Tanya Pakar Bersama En. Calvin Tan, Child Behavioral Therapist from Nutrigene ModernSciences
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Good day En. Calvin Tan, kenapa ya my son (6years) sometime still upset even bila kami, his parents already fulfill kehendak dia? is it normal? and how suppose am i to face this situation?

2y trước

Hi MuniraM First of all, I must say do not always fulfill "all" the needs that your children want. Jgn bagi dia concept mcm senang2 dah dapat kehendak dia. Hence, I've always been urging parents to enforce the "Principle Education" meaning you have to be very very stern and strict with your child especially when they're still in the young age (< 10 years old). For example, a lot of children who are having bad behaviour every single day (despite parents shouting or punishing etc.) is because the boundary between the parents and the child is not clear at all! A lot of western education would encourage parents to be their children's friend but you must always remember that you are the person who gave birth to them and they should also be listening to you as well. Such message must be delivered to your child and teach them what is called mutual respect. So example, if your son asked for something (that is reasonable) after you fulfill kehendak dia, you technically have done your job! and

My 2 year old tends to hit when other child took his toy and he cried so badly, how do I help him to regulate his emotion in order to have a healthier method?

2y trước

thanks Cik Calvin's advice

hi en. calvin, macam mana nak tahu kalau anak kita ada masalah emosi dan mental? selain itu, macam mana nak elakkan dari berlaku?

2y trước

Hi Amanda Dari segi genetik, is normal that kebnykan manusia ade gene2 mental health tapi depends on alot of factor yg akan triggerkan sesuatu gene. So my advise is to do a genetik test kanak2 supaya anda bole tau ape personality dan juga keadaan mental health (i.e. ape gene2 mental health) sejak lahir. But I biasa akan mengalakkan ibu bapa supaya menguatkuasakan " principle education" maksud kalau anak berperangai baik, ok lah bagi pujian atau reward; tapi kalau perangai dia buruk, mesti ambik tindakan tegas! So as long as the boundaries are clear, tak yah lah marah2 atau jerit2 tiap2 hari

hi is it normal for 2year plus to throw tantrum when they want something....being stubborn to get what they want to calm down them....

2y trước

From a genetic point of view, children who portray behavior like stubbornness, throwing tantrum, OCD etc. are highly related to their mental health genes (e.g. autism, hyperactive, OCD etc.) as well. Hence I always encourage parents to invest in a children dna test for their kids so that you would know not just what's their talents, personality or nutrition conditions are like (in-born) but also what to take care of in terms of their mental health as well which would highly affect their cognitive development and behaviour among their peers.

Soalan saya mudah je.. Bagaimana ingin menjadi ibu yang tenang? Anak saya dalam fasa aktif meneroka. Kadang saya penat n jd nak marah. 😰

2y trước

Hi Nur Zuraika okay kalau biasa budak2 terlalu aktif ke ataupun "hyperactive" or even mcm throwing tantrum terhadap ibu bapa, punca pertama mesti sebab budak tu tak ade "boundary" dgn parents dia. Jadi advise saya ni, garisan boundary antara ibu bapa dgn anak mestinya jelas, maksudnya kau nak bagi anak awak tau awak yg lahirkan dia dan awak yg alpha dlm family, jadi saling hormat-menghormati tu mestinya ada I biasa akan mengalakkan ibu bapa supaya menguatkuasakan " principle education" maksud kalau anak berperangai baik, ok lah bagi pujian atau reward; tapi kalau perangai dia buruk, mesti ambik tindakan tegas! Also dari segi genetik, biasa budak2 yg terlampau aktif atau terlalu sunyi, mestinya ade chance mempunyai genetik hyperactive or autism!

Genetic test seawal berapa tahun boleh buat ya Mr Calvin?

