7 Các câu trả lời

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I dont remember when my test resulted 2 lines. But i do remember that first time checking it resulted as 1 clear n another one not too clear. So i decided to buy Clearblue Digital and normal pregnancy test. Normal pregnancy test straight away showed + symbol and the digital showed the result as Pregnant with weeks conceived indication. Because the first 2 tests i bought are the cheaper one. Costs around rm8-10.

Thank you dear

I’d wait until two weeks then only i check UTP, my period is normal, but I’ve always want to make it very sure 😅

Waalaikummussalam.. first urine in the morning & waiting 2weeks after delay your period. Jelas doubleline nanti 😍

Ok sis .. thank you so much

If your expected period hasn't come yet. Test using the very first urine of the day (morning).

Thank you

Check when you skip your period by 1 week.. Should be able to tell by then..

Thank you dear

Kalau dah lambat period check je .

Thank you

1 week after your period due .

Thank you

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