61 Các câu trả lời

yourself first sis. marriage is about whole life. don't rush. you are lucky enough that you saw the real him before you tie the knot. keep distance from him. you deserve better. *hugs

No girl. Run. Run as fast as you can. You deserve better. No human (regardless of gender) should be treated that way. Stay away from him, block him, report him to police. Do whatever necessary.

🚩 ! even before married , he dare to did those bad things to you.. i couldn’t imagine how marriage life will be for you in the future.. save yourself while you still can..

A big no! Tell him you will report to the police for disturbing you. Tell your whole family to tell him the same thing. Be stern. Make a report for real if it continues

If you love yourself please stay away from him...Once you marry him it will become vicious cycle that you would be trapped in...and it will be harder to escape

Make a police report! Please keep distance from him. He doesnt deserve you! Please know your value sis. *hugs

Jangan kan memukul…naik tangan….. Klu Dating asyik aku je yg keluar duit….Awal2 Aku dah blahhh…..hahaha…😂…. Bijak x aku….huhuhu….😜

Please walk away and as far as i can. He cheated and abused you. It maybe hard at first, but remember, you’re doing it for yourself, you deserve better.

You have your answer dear . You wouldn’t wanna put your self risk. I believe He can treat you like this , he could treat the same way to your kids too .

that man does not deserve u. don't be in yr own trap or you'll be sorry for yrself. please love yrself & pray that you will find a wise solution ya dear.

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