19 Replies

I'm not a SAHM. I earn $1500 per mth, my husband earn $2500. As me and my husband we both will mange to pay different like: he pay for the house loan, electric bill and children school fee, I will pay for house groceries. After we manage this way, I never get pocket money from him. Yes, Me and my husband still give our parents. Because this is a must, is depend on your finance. I give $250 every mouth.

Hi, am a SAHM since Feb 2016. Expenses wise, didn't really count but always buy in bulk or whenever there is promotion. Get things online as there are cashback available, so why not? Click on the link https://www.shopback.sg/?raf=taeRBg Spouse earning $3200 for a family of 6. No pocket money but has access to his ATM card at all times. No allowances given xos no income.

Hi. had been a sahm for just a year. 1) $$- $500 (insurance and credit card bills), we have a car ($1k?) 2) hb earns only $3.9k 3) pocket money is very little since I cook everyday. we dun reali eat out a lot. $300 the most. 4) no. my mum understands. sometimes she try to buy things for me and my two kids too. I'm blessed to have a great mum.

Hi I'm a SAHM here 1)Not sure but my husband told me a month need to pay up to $5000 for the total expenses. 2)He's a self-employ income will be up and down 3)Yes , every month he will give me a few hundred as I need to go supermarket to buy dish to cook for home . 4)No, but every week I will bring them out to eat at els 1 to 2 times

Our monthly expenses are about $2.5k to $3k. I am in charge of the finance in the house so no pocket money is needed. Of course we can't spent just as we like since we do not have extra income from my side. I do give my parents allowance occasionally when I feel i have extra for that month. It's not a fixed amount it fixed schedule.

Spend and use what you have. If you want to say how much a whole family expense is, it depends on what your family expenses are. No one can say how much we need. Money is never sufficient money but if you learn to be contented with what you have. Everything will turn out fine.

How come my monthly grocery is abt 1k? My monthly hsehold expenses abt 4.5k Husb takes hm 4-5k Hdb fully paying by cpf No I don't get pocket money... I sell some imported branded bags whn I need the money I give my mum 300 to help me buy fresh food fr market

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1) It really depends as it varies each month 2) Both husband and i are working but we both have things to pay too 3) never once he gave me extra though he is earning more 4) No i don't as i don't have sufficient to tide thru each month too.

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