Mcd cheeseburger

Is it safe to eat mcd cheeseburger during first trimester? I'm so craving for this ?

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Yessss, I ate a lot of Mac during first trim, it’s sort of my comfort food to keep my nausea controlled and the coke is good cause it makes me burp a lot and I felt better everytime I ate Mac haha.

Not healthy, but safe. I also ate MCD cheeseburger and fish burgers in my first trimester, especially if I’m hungry at late night and nothing else to eat cos small meals make me hungry fast

I ate mac and kfc for the first 4 months go ahead and have the meal upsize..

Influencer của TAP

Yeah of course. Make sure burger is fully cooked with no raw sections

Yes! I had alot of mac during my pregnancy.

Thành viên VIP

Yes mac cheeseburger is safe to consume

Of cuz. I almost eat once a week

Thành viên VIP

Yes. Since it is fully cooked

Yes it’s safe

Thành viên VIP

Yes why not!