is it safe for babies to be exposed to chlorinated water (free chlorine concentration of 1ppm) in swimming pools? eg small splashes of water get on their face, and potentially into their mouths if they lick the water on their gums.

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So far it's pretty safe for babies to go into the pool and play with them. And baby lifespan in the pool is not long too, the most 30-60 minutes. So it's kind of pretty harmless to them. There is even baby swimming lesson in swimming pool too. Chlorine is good in a way, it's help to kill bacteria too. Something to read about the pretty harmless chlorine.

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9y trước

If that happen, do see a pd or gp to see if ur baby is having any allergies towards anything or not. Don't worry, so far most of the babies i know and mine are good from Chlorine too :)

Should be fine. Baby swimming lessons start at 3 month old and the swim coaches submerge and let them dive underwater. Babies might take some chlorinated water into their mouth but it should be fine. Unless the water gets into their lungs, then having them splash about in the pool is safe.

9y trước

Thanks Ester :)

If your child is sensitive to it, try looking for a saltwater pool or make your own pool at home. Otherwise as long as your child's eyes don't turn red quickly and skin doesn't become very dry/develop bad rashes it should be fine.

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Yes I started my kids Swimming at 4 months of age. I don't believe there is any issue with the chlorinated water. There is always baby spa outlets if you really Want unchlorinated water but the cost is high

9y trước

wow can u share your experience of baby swimming at 4mo? will they choke on water as they cant really understand instructions yet? which school offer swimming classes for such young babies? im interested!!

My boy started swimming at very young age, he still swims now. It's okay for a short time spend. Don't stay too long in pools for their first time. Maybe 30 mins water play time. (: Hope it works.

I think it's fine for babies to be swimming in chlorine pools. but I limit them to around 30mins-45mins