19 Các câu trả lời

Hi Ms, nak tanye, my boy dah 1.5 tahun, tapi masih tak boleh sebut full words, ada apa yang saya kena buat tak?

Ok sometimes some children need more time to develop. Can you understand what you child says and what he wants? As long as its a yes- dont be too concerned for now. My recommendation is to speak in simple sentences at home. Label items when youre playing/eating/ any activity, and encourage your child to imitate words after you. Reinforce with the toy or social praise if your child gets it right

Adakah pendedahan terhadap youtube/phone boleh menyebabkan anak lambat bercakap? Atau bercakap tidak lancar?

Yes there is evidence dan research yang mengatakan screen time yang keterlaluan boleh menganggu speech development

Hi Ms. Charlene, how will screen time and TV affect my child's development? How much is too much?

Its recommended that children has access to 0 screen time if they are 2 years old and younger. As long as your child is engaging and playing with you more than watching a screen, its safe! But a rule of thumb is generally nothing more than 1-2 hours a day.

How is autism diagnosed? And if i found out my child has autism, what should I do?

Generally autism is diagnosed by a developmental pediatrician, through a parent interview, and observation on the child. If your child is diagnosed with autism, the best thing to do is to start intervention asap. The best outcomes do come from early intervention

Is autism genetic? Would my second child gets it if my first born has it?

There is some genetic link but its not causal. Eg: if you have one child with autism, it does not mean all your children will have autism. However there is a link. Hence the chances of having another child on the spectrum is higher, if you have a child with autism

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Puan, betul ke penggunaan gajet berlebihan menyebabkan autism kanak2?

Hello Sharifah. Ini tidak benar. Setakat ini, tiada punca autism yang telah dikenalpasti. However, apa yang research suggest adalah pengunaan gajet yang berlebihan boleh effect perkembangan speech and komunikasi.

Apakah perbezaan speech delay dengan late talker?

Sama sahaja. Generally speech delay/late talker hanya lambat bercakap, tetapi tidak ada apa2 kesukaran untuk mengikut arahan

baby 8 bulan masih tak bole meniarap. normal ke?

Hi jikalau anak tidak boleh meniarap by 9 months, yes you need to be worried. Please make an appointment with a developmental pediatrician

How does nutrition affect brain development?

Yes it does!! Children growing up in poverty (eg: malnourished), general development including physical and language skills can be affected

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