5 Replies

Is the child still alert and drinking/eating reasonably well? If yes, I won't get too worry about fever of 38 degree. Fever of 38 degree is considered Low grade fever and a good sign that their body is able to fight off the virus well with the own immunity. If you are worry, you can sponge them with room temperature water at the forehead or back of neck to lower the temperature. Alternatively, you can help them to baby massage to bring down the temperature.

Ya still active playing but doesn't have much appetite for food/water intake. He doesnt like sponging and kept crying when we attempt to sponge.

Hi, it could be viral fever. The fever always around 38 deg C or even higher. If ur baby is still eating well and drinking well should be okay just need to monitor the temperature. Let baby have enough sleep and water. Usually viral fever can lasted for 5 to 7 days. My son got viral fever that lasted him more than 7 days. If baby temp hit more than 38.5 Deg C or too tired and refuse food and water I suggest u bring him to another GP for review.

Will baby develop any other sign/symptoms? He still eat and drink but just much lesser than his usual. He still being very active playing and running around just that the temp remains very high especially evening to next morning.

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Are you open to essential oil? If yes, You can apply lemon oil (diluted) under his soles and on his spine. it helps to bring the temp down. Do it every 30-45mins

Essential oil doesn't work overnight. Just continue doing it. Viral fever usually take 5-7 days to break too

The number one rule is all sickness when it comes to children is keeping them hydrated. Rest is important for the body to do its job.

As long as baby is eating and drinking well. Moderately active i wouldnt worry much.

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