Hi, are you still interested in a part-time job ? It is home-based. Want to work any day, any time, with the comfort of your home ? You work, you'll get the commission. And when you don't, you won't get it. Money will come based on your efforts. Link the tutor and students together, and earn a 50% commission. Not only that, know anyone who wants a part-time job or interested in this job ? Refer them and get referral fee. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED. FREE TRAINING PROVIDED. GOOD COMMISSION. GOOD REFERRAL FEE. Do let me know if you are interested.
depending on the skills you have, can try freelancing?
Selling things online. Tuition. Beauty services.
I sell unwanted things online. Gave tuition.
Translation, proof writing etc
would like to know too
online selling.
data entry.
NurHaziqah ha21qah98@hotmail.com