2 Replies

Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise. Hardcore moisturise. After shower, moisturise. After wash hands, moisturise. After washing baby’s bum, moisturise. Before sleep, moisturise. I have bad eczema on the palms of my hands and fingers. It’s so bad that I will scratch at night. It’s throbbing and damn itchy. But it became worse after every scratch. My skin would be tearing and blood streaks here and there. Painful to use soap especially, so uncomfortable when showering. Until I tried QV cream. It works wonders. It takes a while to see the results, maybe a week or two. I still have it, but not as bad as how it was. Whenever I feel my hands starting to dry up, my skin will start to itch and feels like a tear will appear anytime soon, I will quickly apply my QV cream. I pump out some into a small bottle so I can bring it out with me. Steroid cream will just thin out your skin layer and be exposed to more bacteria. So stop those steroid cream and start moisturising. You’ll see the results almost immediately. Just have to get used to the oiliness a bit.

I used a lot of moisturizer!!!

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