Any recommendation for collagen supplement? I have been taking collagen drinks but I find it too sweet for me.

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According to the FAQ on the product website, Kinohimitsu drinks are generally 100% natural, no preservatives, no artificial coloring or flavoring and no chemicals. But they didn't give a definite answer on whether it is breastfeeding safe. Instead, they advise that a doctor or a physician be consulted before consuming any supplements.

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I used to drink Shiseido brand. It was not too sweet for me but I think it's up to individual preference. I have stop collagen currently as I think bird nest works better. Perhaps you can try too! And bird nest is not sweet if u get the non sugar type.

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Have you tried Kinohimitsu? I find it to be quite okay in terms of sweetness level. The lychee after taste makes it bearable. DHC is not bad too but I prefer Kinohimitsu.

8y trước

Do you drink everyday or alternate day?

I have tried a few brands and diff types (drink/powder/pills) before. based on my experience, LAC taut drink is v effective. Results can be felt the morning after.

i have try DHC collagen and also Astalift collagen.. . or u can try Astalift powder type . no flav . like plain water

I tried Trulife before and find the taste quite bearable thought it's a bit thick.

Can try Brand Inner shin Ruby collagen not sweet. i been drinking for months.

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can we drink kinohimitsu while we breastfeed?