Cheap maternity insurance
Can recommend which Agent is cheapest? And how much u paid monthly? Also able to pay via CPF? Due to budget constraints i have to go for the most basic one only

I don’t think a maternity insurance is really required if you are looking to cover pregnancy complication. I had pre eclampsia & GD and I can’t claim anything from the insurance . Reason: pre eclampsia bp did not reach 160, and my GD disappear after delivery. My baby is born healthy although premature & less than 2kg. However, my hosp bill & delivery fees are covered under my own normal hospitalisation bill as it cover pre eclampsia. However, if you are looking at maternity insurance Bcos you want to buy a life insurance for baby BEFORE he/She is born so that bb will not need underwriting if in the event baby is born with abnormality, then yes, maternity insurance is good . And in my case, as my bb is premature and small, I would need to wait till 1yo before I can buy life insurance for her provided no health complication IF I didn’t buy my maternity insurance .
Read moreHow much u gonna pay, u got to find out from e Agent. Like im 37yo n conceived by Ivf, my premium starts from $500. Some of my mummies grp frens pay about $350 for the most basic plan n also bcos theirs is naturally conceived n they r much younger at 28yo. I met a few Agents from Axa and Aia b4 i finally settled for Aia (my fren). The Axa plan although attracted me alot, as they had this part about early c-sec due to complications, but part of e t&c is, only covers between wk32-36 emergency csec n le bb must be under 1.8kg. Reimbursement u 15% of this csec bill. N somemore their premium is slightly higher than Aia. 😂
Read moreMaternity insurance are priced quite competitively. I guess you’re are looking for stand-alone In this case if there’s budget constraint. If you have any policy covering women illnesses you may wish to check if they cover pregnancy complications as well. And no, you can’t pay by CPF. Paying it annually will give you the best rate. Agents all sell at the same price. It’s just dependent on the agency and what they cover
Read moreu can go ask a few and do the comparison. usually is 1st payment plus concurrent monthly/yearly (depending on ur preference.) i got mine from prudential, paid $580 + $73 for first month, followed by $73 monthly. covers mummy for 3/4 yrs from pregnant till birth.. then transfer to baby
I purchased AIA insurance that can transit to baby life insurance when he is born
i got from manulife but honestly like v hard to claim from maternity insurance
manulife ready mummy or ntuc income. don't think can pay via cpf.
Manulife readymummy is good and affordable. :)
Mama of 1 troublemaking cub