Hey parents!

Would you recommend using Cream or lotion for baby skin? What are the differences between both? And any brands would you recommend?

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Cream is usually more oily and thicker than lotion. It depends on your baby’s skin actually e.g. whether your baby has dry skin or sleeps in an aircon room etc. Some brands like Suubalm, Offspring, Alobaby, California Baby, Aveeno are good.

Lotion will be of a lighter consistency, if you prefer something that is lighter and easier to dry. Cream will tends to be slightly oilier and takes time to spread out as it is of a thicker consistency

I use mustela baby facial cream on my boy's face, and i layered 2 oils, minyak telon and lavendar oil on his body. Didnt use any lotion.

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I dont use as baby skin are tender and sensitive. Dont feel a need for it. Unless baby have dry skin then i apply on dry areas

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Cream more moisture. Can try topicream or uriage moisturiser

Baby lotion and baby oil is the best!

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Alobaby very good!