Infant care or helper

Will you rather send your baby (below 18 months) to infant care or looked after by your helper at home? (Assuming there’s no financial issues)

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If mom has to work, need to send to day care. Otherwise, better stay and educate your kid yourself

Infant care. Can learn n pick up things faster (either with peers or activities in the centre)

Infant care... helper will be very busy with household chores and no time for bb

Infant care. The educarers are professional and certified. Helper are not.

I have both infant care and helper. Helper is more towards household chores.

Get my helper to look after so that I can monitor his cognitive development.

Thành viên VIP

I will opt for infant care still. Just not comfortable with maid yet.

Super Mom

It depends how much u trust ur helper. I rather send to infant care

helper with someone to oversee for first 18 months then childcare

Thành viên VIP

Helper but with an adult family member to supervise