Well, i'm not even working for the past year and had savings for myself. So when i told my husband I used up all my savings to pay up my father cos he paid for my school fees years ago, my husband got agitated. My husband is earning $2.7k and all he does is pay up his loans with his mother and aunties. He barely had any savings. How should i advice him strictly to start saving up some money for our future house and family? I've told him plenty of times actually but all he said is, " even if i save up some, i'll definitely have to use it eventually. " He does give me and our daughter monthly cash but of course, it is insufficient. Little did he know that sometimes i use the money on us everytime he is tight and when we're outside. Why does he think that i have alot of money? His family doesn't even lend us a helping hand. Not even his mother. It's always my family. 😔 And my mother did not know that the dowry money during our wedding is 100% mine and not my husband's. It wasn't being displayed even. I did not even dare to tell her till now.
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