9 Replies

firstly, 1st trimester is fragile stage. better not to do it. 2nd trimester onwards, u need to seek ur gynae advice. Some gynae don't allow due to the chemical. some allow only for those organic kind etc. so best choice is to seek your gynae advice since ur gynae the one who know your condition etc. ❤️

My gynae adviced wait till second tri as first trimester is more unstable. But I decided not to, but planning to grow out and go for haircut instead. I got fren went hairdye when she preg both times after 1st tri, so depends on u

I dyed my hair when I was at first trim, but I went back to my preferred stylist and requested for organic dye only.. And he also helped to avoid touching my roots..

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Ask your gynae during your next visit. Mine gave me green flag for dyeing & rebonding treatments, so I go ahead with it.

no best not to do it during first trim. is it really a need or a ‘want’? is it worth it to risk the pregnancy?

Can consult your gynae, i did dye and rebonding too during my 2nd trimester when it's more stable

I didn’t and take this chance to cut the dye part and let the black hair grow out.

You can try organic dye? Although I wldnt risk it

Best to wait till 20-25weeks

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