Maternity Pad or Normal Pad

Hi. Just a quick question. After giving birth, can we use normal pad instead of maternity pad? Or atleast a 32cm with wings pad? 😅

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i used night pads 35cm. as you will wake up every 2-3 hours to BF or express milk, you can change your pad regularly

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Hospital used maternity pad with strings and loops. When home, used normal pads , longer 40 cm night ones.

I use 40cm pad cause the flow is heavy. but on the first 2 days hospital gave me maternity pad.

normal pad can do but I used night with wings so I don't need to change too regularly.

I prefer maternity pad for the first 2 week once the flow reduce back to normal pad

Yes better. Sometimes you'll have some leakage so it's better to get the longer one.

initially I use the pad provided by the hospital. when that's finished, I use normal pad

Maternity pad for first 3 days and then can use the 40 cm night or 32cm

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I used the Kotex maternity pad. Dislike the loop thingy.

Influencer của TAP

yes I used normal when I got home too.